10 Great Software Programming Languages

Whether you’re new to coding, or an old hat, navigating the seemingly endless waters of available programming languages can be a daunting task. From developing software from the ground up, to crafting a novel smartphone app using powerful framework tools, finding the best tool for the job is an essential first step. That’s why we’ve collected a list of 10 great software programming languages for you. Using this list you’ll be able to find the best language for your particular task and be able to start working on your next computing project with confidence!

1. C++

One of the oldest and most widely-used high-level programming languages, C++ has been a powerful tool since 1983. While this is one of the more challenging languages on this list to learn, the advantages of knowing it cannot be underestimated. C++ has a wealth of features making it an essential and indispensable part of any programmer’s repertoire.

C++ is a free language and can be used by anyone at no cost. C++ offers the skillful coder an incredible amount of control and, since it compiles directly into machine code, in the right hands it is one of the fastest languages in the world. Additionally, as one of the most widely used languages in the world, C++ is portable across many different platforms and has an impressive availability of libraries to work from, including almost a C-language libraries as well.

2. Java

Java is one of the most popular and in-demand languages in the world today. Deriving much of its syntax from C and C++, if you already know one of those, you have a leg up in starting your work with Java. Because the code you write compiles into bytecode designed to run on a Java Virtual Machine, or JVM, the software you write can be transported anywhere that supports a JVM. This makes Java an exceptionally flexible program to work with. Plus, as one of the most popular languages in the world, there’s an endless array of support for everyone working with Java, new and old.

3. MATLAB/Simulink

If you work in science, engineering, or any other technical field, the integrated language system of MATLAB and Simulink is completely indispensible. MATLAB is optimized for crunching difficult mathematical problems while Simulink is integrated to provide a graphical interpretation of MATLAB algorithms resulting in impressive modeling and simulations. From artificial intelligence and smart-safety systems, to interplanetary exploration and computation finance, MATLAB and Simulink are incredible parts of our everyday modern world.

4. Objective-C

If you want to code software for use on Apple products interfacing with OSX and iOS, then you’ll need to know Objective-C. Objective-C borrows much of its syntax directly from the C programming language, so if you’re familiar with C or any of its derivatives, you’ll be a step ahead here.

5. Perl

Perl is an easy to use and efficient programming language originally designed to handle text manipulation. Today it is used in a variety of applications including network programming, GUI development, system administration, and more. As Perl offers the coder a high degree of flexibility, one of the mottos of the language is, “There’s more than one way to do it.”

6. PHP

If you’re doing modern web development, then PHP is your new friend. This general purpose language allows you to embed code directly in HTML. One of the great distinguishing features of PHP is that it runs the code on the server where it generates new HTML which is then sent directly to the client—this way, on the client side, no one knows how you’ve configured your code. As with many other languages, PHP is built off of C’s syntax, so if you are familiar with C or its descendents, you’re a step ahead.

7. Python

Python is one of the most robust and friendly programming languages out there. The syntax is easy to learn and use, allowing new coders the ability to develop and run their very first simple programs soon after starting. Still, the language is expansive and well supported through a wide community of enthusiasts and professionals. Python is used in game development, science research, web development, networking, and was even heavily relied on to program the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

8. Ruby

Ruby is a relatively new language, but it’s already in high-demand. Formed from the blending of several other languages, Ruby is considered to be a practical yet artful coding tool. For those who’ve worked with Python, Perl, or Java, much of the syntax will be quite familiar. Today Ruby is used all around the world in a variety of applications with such organizations as NASA, Motorola, and Google taking advantage of its robust yet elegant design.

9. SQL

For anyone looking to work with large batches of data, SQL is the language for you. In our data driven world, being able to store, manipulate, and query data is an essential skill—and a highly sought-after one at that. There are a few different versions of SQL, so if you want to know more, there’s lots of room to dig down. If you plan on working heavily with databases, or developing a website or webapp that pulls heavily from data sets, then SQL will be indispensible.

10. Visual Basic

Visual Basic is a programming language designed by and for Microsoft aimed at being beginner-friendly and targeted at rapid application development. Visual Basic is the launch point for building graphical user interfaces for application running on Windows, mobile devices, and the web within the Microsoft .NET Framework.

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These 10 great software programming languages are ideal coding tools to become familiar with in today’s highly computerized world. Whether for career advancement, personal use, or just as a hobby, these languages will offer you a fantastic array of tools to work with. Beyond these, however, is a seemingly endless selection of programming languages to suit all sorts of needs. So, starting here, take a look around and find the language that’s just right for you!